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Guy Jones around the world

12-22-18 - Current plans and location
By Guy S Jones
Posted: 2019-01-01T20:12:00Z

Footloose with a crew of four, specifically, Emitt Smith, Edwin D’ Artois, Mike Deriso and myself departed St Lucia on January 6, 2018 for Santa Marta, Columbia. We followed the attached itinerary exactly as far as departures but our arrival dates varied with no delayed or late arrivals. In fact, in our class, out of the first six legs, Footloose had one first, three seconds, one sixth and a withdrawal due to an equipment failure.


The dates of the emails are not aligned because of a variety reasons to include being to busy, being lazy and the absence of WIFI in the location. In fact, in some cases I got so far behind the I did not write anything at all. In some cases, two or three emails were sent by accident and some were lost because of operator failure (me) or failure of my computer so I am not at all surprised by your confusion.


As far as our current status, Footloose withdrew from the 2018-2019 World ARC on July 4, 2018 and remained in Fiji until October 18, 2018 when Footloose with a crew of two departed for Opua, New Zealand where we arrived on October 24, 2018 after a robust passage of 1050 nautical miles. Additionally, on board was myself and Nina Szankovich who is now Nina Szankovich-Jones, my wife. I met Nina in Panama and we were married in Newport, Rhode Island on September 21, 2018.


We are currently in Frankfort Germany celebrating the holidays and will return to New Zealand on February 13, 2019. We will remain in New Zealand Cruising until about May 15, 2019 and then will sail back to Fiji at which point we will join the 2019-2020 World ARC. We will with one added crew member will continue with the 2019-2020 ARC completing the circumnavigation in April 2020.  


I hope the above with assist you in unraveling any confusion you might have. My advise is to ignore the email dates and place each account in the chronology outlined in the attached itinerary. Any remaining concerns can be eliminated by send me an email about any specific email.


I wish you, your family and the entire BWSC family a Happy Holiday season


Fair Winds

